Thursday, January 16, 2014

Focus On Your Goals And You Will Be Successful

Setting goals and monitoring them is the key to your success.  This is especially important as a New Year rolls around; an opportune time to adopt those “new year resolutions”.  This is no different than the pilot who fails to plan the flight; they may not reach their destination.  In similar fashion, those who fail to plan their lives are planning to fail.

My husband used this goal-setting/monitoring strategy and allowed him to get promoted at his job three times and receive multiple performance awards in the last two years.  He says the keys to his success boils down to the three P’s- PURPOSE, PASSION, and PERSISTENCE.  First, he found PURPOSE; a goal to strive for such as attaining multiple promotions in a short period of time.  Maybe it involves earning a certain level of income or accumulating a specific amount of savings.  Whatever your goals or purpose may be, write it down and internalize it by looking at it every day.  Second, he became PASSIONATE about what he did not just for his company, but in serving others such as his clientele and co-workers.  In doing so, he derived enjoyment from his work and that also lead to PERSISTENCE; being able to toil through difficulties he faced along the way. 

This powerful technique to becoming successful is no secret at all as recounted by Earl Nightingale in “The Strangest Secret”, Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and by Rhonda Byrne in “The Secret”.  The greatest Book of all, the Bible also says it in Mark 7:8, “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

You will face many challenges along the way, but do not be discouraged.  Remember and repeat the verse from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  Rely on a power greater than yourself. Seek a mentor, partner, or advisor to guide you in the achievement of your goals and you will certainly have the foundation for a successful new year. 

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